Weekly FOGO trial and survey details

On Thursday, 7 September 2023, households, and businesses in Thursday’s collection zone began a 6-month trial in which the collection frequency of the FOGO (food organics and garden organics) bin and the landfill bin was swapped.

The intent of the trial is to identify and assess a wide range of matters, including community acceptance, logistical challenges, environmental outcomes, and economic value. We anticipated that providing a weekly green FOGO service would actively encourage the community to place more food waste in their FOGO bins (where it belongs) and increase the rate at which useful organic materials are diverted from landfill. Worldwide, reducing food waste is considered the third biggest action for reversing climate change.

The following survey will assist Council in assessing the FOGO trial outcomes as they relate to individual households and businesses and give you a chance to have your say.

All responses are treated as anonymous and confidential. Any individual contact details provided will be retained solely for the purpose of the survey prize draw. Please refer to the terms and conditions of the survey competition for additional information.

    What is your age group? *

    How many people are in your household? *

    How many people in your household use nappies? *

    Are you still participating in the Weekly FOGO trial? *

    Please fill out the Trial Opt Out Survey instead.

    How satisfied were you with the kitchen caddy welcome pack and information provided about the trial? *

    What stood out to you the most in the information booklet? Did it offer any new insights or knowledge? (please type your detailed response below) *

    Have you had any issues with the trial or do you have any suggestions for improvement? (please type your detailed response below) *

    We offered extra bin capacity to large families (5+) and households with disposable nappies. Which of the following applies to you? *

    Has the larger bin helped you participate in the trial or could you have managed without it? *

    What have you liked about the Weekly FOGO trial? (please type your detailed response below) *

    How many compostable bags does your household use per week? *

    Has the amount of food scraps, paper towels, tissues and compostable food packaging placed into your green FOGO bin *

    Has the amount of garden organics placed in your green FOGO bin *

    Has the amount of waste in your red lid bin *

    What items do you place in your red landfill bin? Have you experienced any barriers or challenges in diverting materials from your red landfill bin into your Green FOGO or Yellow Recycling bins? (please type your detailed response below) *

    Are there any other comments/testimonials you would like to share with us about the Weekly FOGO trial? (These may be shared anonymously. Please write your detailed response below) *

    Based on your experience how well is the sustainable model of weekly FOGO/fortnightly landfill collections working for you? *

    Would you like to see this service continue? *

    Are you interested in helping promote weekly FOGO? We would love to have you on board as a FOGO Champion or ‘Binfluencer’. *

    If yes, please provide contact details at the bottom of the form.

    Can we contact you if we need further information regarding your experience with the Weekly FOGO trial? *

    If yes, please provide contact details at the bottom of the form.

    Thank you for completing the survey. If you would like to be entered into the draw for a chance to win one of 30 x $50 gift cards to spend at a local business in City of Prospect, please enter your contact details below.

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Contact Phone:

    Postal Address:

