Why shouldn’t tree branches and prunnings be collected through the Hard Waste collection service?

When collected through the hard waste collection, garden waste material is not able to be separated and transported to a composting facility. This means that these compostable resources are lost. Most hard waste items are used for alternative fuel, however green garden waste it not suitable for this process due to the moisture content.

Options for garden waste disposal:

  1. Chop up your tree branches and prunnings into small pieces (no larger than 15cm wide x 60cm long) and place them in your greed lidded food and garden organics (FOGO) bin.
  2. Use a mulcher to mulch your garden materials then use the mulch in your garden.
  3. Take the material to Adelaide City Council’s Green Waste and Mulch Depot– Corner War Memorial Drive & Bundeys Road- Ph: 8203 7203. Open Tuesday – Friday 7.30am–3pm, Saturday 10am–3.45pm, Charges apply.

The following locations also accept excess garden materials (fees may apply, please contact and check that locations are open):