YOUR DETAILS: Your Name: * Your Email: * Contact Phone: * Property Address: * Suburb: * Postcode: * BIN DETAILS: Please indicate the number and type of bin(s) that are missing or stolen? - tick appropriate box(s): * 140L Waste/Landfill bin (blue lid)240L Recycle bin (yellow lid)240L Food and Garden Organics bin (green lid) Number of Waste/Landfill Bins: *—Please choose an option—123 Number of Recycle Bins: *—Please choose an option—123 Number of Food and Garden Organics Bins: *—Please choose an option—123 Please note: If you are missing a Kitchen Caddy kit including compostable bags, these can be collected from Civic Centre and Libraries. I , declare that the information provided is true and correct and I agree to the Terms and Conditions for replacement of missing or stolen bins as detailed in Council's Policy. Tick here