Congratulations to the winners of this year’s International Compost Awareness Week, Take the Pledge to Compost competition!
By comitting to compost more food scraps using their kitchen caddy and green bin, or by their home compost bin or worm farm, each winner was awarded with three bags of Jeffries‘ compost and garden soil products; Organic Compost, Veggie and Garden Soil and Culchar. These wonderful products are made from the materials collected in your kerbside green bin which are sent for composting and used by local farms and gardens to increase the return of nutrients to the soil and reduce irrigation needs. Check out the video below to see how this is done!
- City of Burnside – Gilia Martin
- City of Mitcham – Heidi Brasse and Sarah Glover
- City of NPSP – Kathy Cotter
- City of Prospect – Erik Champion and Victoria McKinnon (pictured with her son Sebastian)
- City of Unley – Lekshmi
Thank you to the 185 people who entered, keep up the composting! By composting your food scraps and other compostable material through your green bin or at home, you are helping to save valuable resources, $3.09M in wasted landfill fees and create local jobs in SA.