Your Name: *

    Your Email: *

    Contact Phone: *

    Property Address: *

    Suburb: *

    Postcode: *

    Postal Address (If different from the property):

    Fees & Charges
    Terms and Conditions of Lease
    • The bin(s) remains the property of The Town of Walkerville.

    • Food and Garden Organics bins (green lid) are to be purchased and maintained by the property owner/occupier. To purchase an additional green bin ($35), email:

    • The lessee must notify East Waste in writing should the bin(s) no longer be required, and in that case the additional bin service will be discontinued. Please arrange with East Waste to have the bin removed immediately via the Cancellation or Transfer of Additional Bins Service form.

    • The lessee must notify East Waste in writing if they move premises.

    • East Waste reserves the right to refuse the additional bin collection service if the service is not being used correctly.

    • Additional bins will not be delivered until full payment is received.

    • This Lease Agreement will be renewed annually for a 12 month period by way of an Annual Renewal (issued at commencement of each Financial Year).

    • Lodgement of an application for an additional bin service and/or use of the waste service constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the service and renders the applicant liable for any fees in connection with the service in the first instance.

    Please supply the following additional bin(s) for the above property address - tick appropriate box(s): *

    * Food and Garden Organics bins (green lid) are to be purchased and maintained by the property owner/occupier. To purchase an additional green bin ($35), email:

    Number of Waste/Landfill Bins: *

    Number of Recycle Bins: *

    Please note: A Kitchen Caddy kit including compostable liner bags and instructions can be collected from Council’s Customer Service Desk.

    Do you require delivery of a new bin? *

    If not, do you just require a permit for an additional council branded bin that you already have? *


    I , agree to the Terms and Conditions of leasing (as detailed above) and accept the charges involved. (In the case of a renter requesting bins, payment of the additional bins must be negotiated with the property owner or manager). Tick here

    If you are unable to use this online form, CLICK HERE to download the PDF File.