Complete this form to request an additional blue, yellow or green bin collection service.

    Your Name: *

    Your Email: *

    Contact Phone: *

    Property Address: *

    Suburb: *

    Postcode: *

    Postal Address (If different from the property):

    Fees & Charges

    View Fees and Charges (p.13)

    Please note: Annual service charges may be charged on a pro-rata basis if additional bins are provided for only part of the year, with 3, 6 or 9 month increments.

    3-months – supply charge multiplied by 0.25
    6 months – supply charge multiplied by 0.5
    9 months – supply charge multiplied by 0.75

    Terms and Conditions of Lease
    • The bin(s) remains the property of the City of Mitcham.

    • Three bins of any colour (blue, yellow or green) is the maximum allowed per residence, you cannot apply for more.

    • There is an annual fee associated with additional bin collection. If your application is approved, an invoice will be issued along with a sticker to be attached to the bin for identification purposes. Invoices are issued from 1 July to 30 June (pro-rata as applicable). The additional bin service automatically renews each financial year unless it is cancelled prior to 30 June. Fees can be found on City of Mitcham - Schedule of Fees and Charges (p.13).

    • Additional bins will not be delivered until full payment is received.

    • Refunds will not be provided if you cancel your additional bin service.

    • The lessee must notify East Waste in writing should the bin(s) no longer be required, and in that case the additional bin service will be discontinued. Please arrange with East Waste to have the bin removed immediately via the Cancellation or Transfer of Additional Bins Service form.

    • The lessee must notify East Waste in writing if they move premises.

    • East Waste reserves the right to refuse the additional bin collection service if the service is not being used correctly.

    • This Lease Agreement is valid for a 12 month period and will be renewed annually thereafter by way of an Annual Renewal (issued at commencement of each Financial Year).

    • Council's Policy forms part of the Lease Conditions. Copies of the policy are available from or from City of Mitcham's Civic Centre.

    • Lodgement of an application for an additional bin service and/or use of the waste service constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the service and renders the applicant liable for any fees in connection with the service in the first instance.

    • Note you must ensure there is enough space on your verge/kerbside for the additional bins to be placed on your allocated collection day. The bins must:

      • have a minimum 30cm space on either side

      • maintain one (1) metre of space from street infrastructure (signs, trees, stobie poles etc.)

      • allow direct access from the street and not obscured by on street carparking

      • not block pedestrian use of footpaths.

    Please supply the following additional bin(s) for the above property address - tick appropriate box(s): *

    Number of Waste/Landfill Bins: *

    Number of Recycle Bins: *

    Please note: there is currently a 2-3 week wait on receiving additional green FOGO bins. We apologise for any inconvenience.

    Number of Food and Garden Organics Bins: *

    Please note: A Kitchen Caddy kit including compostable liner bags and instructions can be collected from the Council’s Civic Centre, Mitcham Memorial Library and Blackwood Library.

    Do you require delivery of a new bin? *

    If not, do you just require a permit for an additional council branded bin that you already have? *

    Why do you require an additional bin? *


    I , agree to the Terms and Conditions of leasing (as detailed above) and accept the charges involved. (In the case of a renter requesting bins, payment of the additional bins must be negotiated with the property owner or manager). I have read and understood Council's Policy. Tick here

    If you are unable to use this online form, CLICK HERE to download the PDF File.